Category Archives: ELD

How to Claim Refund on Form 2290 Tax Dues Paid Upfront!

Paid the taxes in full for the previous tax year but you vehicle ran less than 5000 miles? You will be eligible to claim a full refund or transfer the credits to the current tax year (If you plan to operate more than 5000 miles)

A claim for refund can be for the following scenarios,

  • Over paid tax due by mistake.
  • Taxable vehicle Sold/ Transferred / Destroyed or Stolen.
  • The vehicle was used within the mileage use limit (5,000 miles or less; 7,500 or less for agricultural vehicles).

In this article we will see especially about Low mileage vehicle credits refund and transfer

Vehicles used within the taxable mileage: The taxable mileage limit for a heavy vehicle is 5,000 miles (7,500 for agricultural). As said before the taxes are paid for the whole year and if your vehicle has run under 5,000 miles (7,500 for agricultural vehicles) you are eligible for low mileage credits. This can be applied only when the entire tax period (July 1 – June 30) is completed. The Vehicle mileage credits is limited only to miles operated on the vehicle regardless to the number of owners.

To get a refund based on low mileage you need to start a new return and select form “8849 schedule-6”. This is a special form dedicated for refund purposes. Then over the next page you need to select Low mileage vehicle credits to declare your vehicle exempt from tax. Over the next page just select “add vehicles” to enter the VIN number, first used month and reason for refund, also you need to attach the copy of the schedule-1 copy for reference. That is all within just 3 steps you can claim a refund on the taxes paid.

To transfer the credits to the current year filing (Only if the truck is assumed to run over 5000 miles) start a new return and select “form 2290”, select the first used month and tax year and over the next page you have to select two boxes which says “taxable vehicle & Low mileage vehicle credits”. The next page is where you can see two rows , the first one would be for entering the truck details on which the taxes needs to be transferred and the second one is to declare the previous year filing under low mileage credits. Then the rest is the same just proceed further with payment. 

By following these steps you can either claim a refund or transfer the credits to the current tax year

Know the Basics of 2290 Tax Deadline and Filing Methods!

New to the trucking business or are you in the process of adding a truck to your fleet? Well it’s about time you registered the vehicle and got the tags done. But before you could get your license plates you need to file a HVUT Form 2290 tax return and get the schedule-1 copy. This schedule-1 copy needs to be submitted to the DMV for registration purposes.

A common question which arises among the new truck operators is “Should I pay the taxes in full for the year?” Not necessarily you can file the taxes under Pro-rated basis. Meaning you can repot the vehicle from the first month of use.

Now what does the IRS says about the pro-rated filing and what’s the maximum time that you get to file the taxes for new trucks. Well its simple “the taxes can be paid until the last day of the following month from the first month of its use”.

For example, if you would have purchased a truck by October 1st, 2019 the due date to pay the taxes would be November 30th, 2019. So basically you get 60 days’ time to file a return and pay the taxes. The taxes paid will be valid until June 30th, 2020 and again up for renewal by the July 1st, 2020. So do you have a new truck which needs to be put on road? File your form 2290 and get the schedule-1 copy instantly and hit the roads.

So don’t be confused on comparing this pro-rated deadline versus the annual renewals which are generally due by June & payable until August of every year. Should you have more questions regarding the HVUT Form 2290, feel free to contact our customer support team @ (347) 515-2290 for any further assistance.

The IRS has cased Shutdown. Renew your HVUT Form 2290 for 2019-20 Now!

Hello there truckers, the HVUT Form 2290 is already due for renewal since July 2019 and now its August, literally we got time until the end of August before you can File & pay your HVUT Form 2290 for the Period beginning July 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2020.  

The Federal law states that any vehicle that possess a combined gross weight of 55000 lbs must be reported on a Form 2290 and the tax due amount is paid Full in Advance for the respective tax period for which the subjected vehicle is been used over the public highway for its desired purpose.

The HVUT Form 2290 is generally due by June and its payable until the end of August. So that means you need to renew your Form before the deadline 08/31/2019 to avoid an incurrence of penalties or interests for failure to pay the taxes levied by the Internal Revenue Service.

Although the subjected vehicles are declared to be primarily exempt when its usage on the road are lesser to the mileage limits drafted by the law. For commercial based units its 5000 miles or less and for Agricultural based units its 7500 miles or less to claim exemption from paying taxes to the IRS.

E-File your tax returns via and receive an instant confirmation back from the Internal Revenue Service in your registered e-mail address. Also, in order for us to serve high demand queries, our tax experts are available even during weekends until 08/31/2019 to address your queries. Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 6 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.Have a Good one! See you over the next article.

Few Days Left to Renew your HVUT Form 2290 before it’s too late!

Hello there Truckers, the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for the Period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. It has been at least a couple of months since the IRS has started accepting HVUT Form 2290 for the Period July 2019-2020. However, it got delayed meanwhile due to the recent IRS temporary downtime which occurred as a result of up gradation purposes.

The IRS systems goes offline every year during the month of December due to Christmas holidays and they would recommence full operations by the 2nd week after the New Year. But this will be a scheduled downtime which happens every year in order for the IRS to be able to stabilize their systems to accept the HVUT Form 2290 for the upcoming tax year.

Every year, the HVUT Form 2290 is due by June and its payable until the end of August. But we advise the HVUT payers, not to wait until the last moment to e-file the HVUT Form 2290 and would recommend them to e-file their HVUT before July 31st, 2019 to avoid a last moment rush and to join the procrastinator club to enable a further delay on receiving the IRS digital watermarked copy of Schedule 1 in your e-mail.

The Heavy Highway vehicle used tax return is basically an Annual Tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service on vehicles with a minimum gross weight of 55000 lbs or more and if the same vehicle is been used over the public highways for commercial, Agricultural & Logging purposes. Tax dues are always paid upfront full in advance to the Internal Revenue Service.

What is a Suspended/Exempt Vehicle on a Form 2290?

Hello there Truckers, the Annual HVUT Form 2290 is now due for a renewal for the Period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. But, almost on a daily basis we receive calls from our users asking how or where to report their vehicles exactly on the Form 2290, but in reality the Form 2290 is way simpler to understand.

As per the IRS guidelines, the vehicles which are reported on the Form 2290 are classified into 3 types as follows:

  1. Taxable Vehicles:
  2. Suspended/Exempt Vehicles
  3. Logging vehicles:

Taxable vehicles:

These are vehicles, perhaps called active units which are used over 5000 miles on the road for a respective 2290 tax period. For instance, considering the current period July 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2020 if your truck will be used over 5000 miles, you must report this vehicle under Taxable vehicles and pay the tax due to the IRS full in advance to the IRS.

Suspended/Exempt vehicles:

These are vehicles which are tend to be used under the desired mileage limit for exemption, (5000 miles for Commercial based units) and (7500 miles for Agricultural based units) which makes the vehicles exempt from paying taxes to the IRS. However, the Form 2290 must be filed on these vehicles though to claim the exemption. Generally the Suspended/Exempt vehicles are represented by the category “W”

Logging Vehicles:

These are vehicles that are primarily been used to haul wood and its derivatives from the Forest to the City using the public highway. These vehicles are not exempt from paying taxes although there is a concession/reduction of tax due amount versus a Commercial taxable vehicles.

Hence, next time be sure of knowing under which category your truck must be reported while e-filing the HVUT Form 2290. Reach our tax experts @ (347) 515-2290 for your Form 2290 filing needs.

You only have until December 16 to transition your full fleet to ELDs

While FMCSA still in Phase 2 of ELD Implementation, December 16, 2019, is a critical date as the AOBRD grandfather provision expires. This provision allows fleets that had AOBRDs installed in their trucks prior to December 18, 2017, to continue using AOBRDs for two years following the ELD Compliance Date. Beginning December 16, 2019, motor carriers and drivers subject to the ELD rule must use self-certified ELDs that are registered with FMCSA.

The ELD rule applies to motor carriers and drivers who are currently required to keep records of duty service (RODS) under the hours-of-service (HOS) regulations. Drivers who use the time card exception, and don’t keep paper RODs, will not be required to use ELDs. The following drivers may keep paper RODS:

  • Drivers who keep RODS no more than 8 days during any 30-day period.
  • Driveaway-towaway drivers (transporting a vehicle for sale, lease, or repair), provided the vehicle driven is part of the shipment or the vehicle being transported is a motor home or recreational vehicle trailer.
  • Drivers of vehicles manufactured before model year 2000.

However, a carrier can choose to use an ELD, even if it is not required.

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