Partial period Form 2290 truck taxes are due today for the vehicles first used in April 2022

Its shout-out time! The deadline to file form 2290 truck tax for the vehicles first used in April 2022 is today. So, truckers and truck taxpayers with the vehicles first used this April should report form 2290 HVUT to the IRS and get the schedule 1 copy today to smoothly continue their truck operations on the public highways. If not, the IRS charges penalties, and you cannot operate your heavy vehicles without a proper schedule 1 copy. You will run into problems with state and federal authorities.

The partial period or pro-rated taxes are charged based on the vehicle’s first used month.

The general tax period starts at the beginning of July every year and lasts till the end of June the following year. So, the truckers should file their form 2290 to the IRS and get the schedule 1 copy within August 31 to continue their trucking operations smoothly on the public highways of the United States. But for the newly purchased or first used vehicles in any month other than July, IRS charges form 2290 truck taxes on a pro-rated basis. This partial-period or pro-rated form 2290 taxes are charged based on the vehicle’s first used month. It is calculated from the first used month to the end of the current tax period. Therefore, for the vehicles first used in April 2022, the form 2290 truck tax is calculated from April to June 2022, which is the end of the current tax period. And the last date to file the pro-rated form 2290 tax is today!

Form 2290 HVUT is mandatory for all taxable heavy vehicles.

Your heavy vehicle should have a total gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more and be estimated to drive 5,000 miles (7500 miles for logging vehicles) on the public highways to be liable for HVUT form 2290 truck taxes. Therefore, you need to estimate the form 2290 taxes for your vehicle, pay it in advance to the IRS, and get the official schedule 1 copy. You can use this schedule 1 copy as proof of form 2290 payment for your vehicle and use it for legal purposes with the state and federal authorities for registration, insurance, license renewal, etc. You have to report form 2290 to the IRS and get the schedule 1 copy even if your vehicle doesn’t come under the taxable category. But you should report your vehicle as a tax suspended vehicle and do not have to pay the form 2290 tax amount.

E-file Pro-rated Form 2290 truck taxes at today!

IRS encourages every trucker to e-file their form 2290 truck taxes electronically because it is fast, safe, and convenient. TruckDues is IRS approved modernized e-file service provider for form 2290 highway heavy vehicle use tax. You can register for free and e-file your form 2290 at the comfort of your home/office or anywhere using your PCs or Smartphones. Truckdues offer web applications and mobile applications for Android and iPhone users to e-file form 2290 online. You can easily calculate your pro-rated form 2290 tax amount for your partial tax period with the form 2290 tax calculator feature at TruckDues and quickly pay the tax dues to the IRS without any mistakes. E-filing form 2290 starts at $9.99 for single-vehicle returns at So, e-file your pro-rated form 2290 truck tax for your vehicles first used in April 2022 today and get the IRS digitally watermarked/stamped schedule 1 copy immediately to your registered email address.