Tag Archives: Veterans Day

Thank you to all veterans, particularly those who have served in the trucking industry.

There was no such thing as free will! We are currently living in a free country. On Veterans Day, we must take the time to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our American veterans in the middle of our commitment-crammed lives and hectic schedules. Our Veterans and military heroes feel obligated to continue to give back to the country they love and fought so hard to protect after serving our country so valiantly. We wish their day (Veterans Day) to be filled with solemn pride in the courage of those who sacrificed in our country’s service and thankfulness for the triumph, as a debt of gratitude for their loyalty towards our country.”

Today, we pay tribute to those who have served. Thank you to all veterans, particularly those in the trucking industry. Continue reading

Today, we thank you, we salute you, we honor you Veterans!

In its 237 years, the United States has been involved in a dozen major wars to defend our nation, preserve our freedom and democracy, and serve our national interests. The major conflicts include the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and the Wars against Terrorism, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our armed forces have gone into harm’s way many other times, too. Continue reading

Thank you for your Service! We salute your dedication.

veterans-day-picFreedom was never free! We live in a Free Country now. Amidst of our commitment clogged life & busy schedules we must take a moment to recognize the hard work and dedication of our American veterans on observance of Armistice Day. Our Veterans old and young alike, wore physical and mental scars of combat for one reason that is for us to have a Safer Life. After serving our country so honorably, many of our war heroes feel a sense of duty to continue to give back to the land they love and have fought so hard to protect. Continue reading