Hello, truckers! You are responsible for reporting and paying the Highway Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (Form 2290) to the IRS every year. This tax is applicable for all qualified taxable heavy vehicles with a total gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more and is estimated to cover 5,000 miles (7500 for logging vehicles) on public highways. Truckers with taxable heavy vehicles must report and pay their HVUT using the IRS Form 2290. Traditionally, truckers and trucking taxpayers reported Form 2290 HVUT returns through paper filing, which involves mounds of paperwork. This causes a severe burden for the truckers because it involves a lot of manual work, which is prone to mistakes and delays.
Category Archives: E-file Accepting
Get Accurate Form 2290 E-filing, Only at TruckDues.com.
Hello truckers and trucking taxpayers, if you are new to Form 2290 online e-filing, you must read this blog fully. You will be cleared of all your doubts and queries regarding Form 2290 e-filing. Moreover, you will understand the safety and efficiency of e-file Form 2290 HVUT on TruckDues.com. The new tax season starts on July 01, 2023, and ends on June 30, 2024. Therefore, you must report your 2290 truck taxes and get the IRS Schedule 1 receipt by August 31, 2023, which is the deadline to report your truck taxes and get the IRS Schedule 1 receipt for this tax season. Remember that IRS made Form 2290 e-filing mandatory for all truckers and trucking taxpayers reporting Form 2290 HVUT returns for 25 or more vehicles in their fleet. Also, they encourage all truckers, even owner-operators, to choose the e-filing method for its proven efficiency.
Common Questions about Form 2290 E-file on TruckDues.com.
Hello, truckers! The new tax season, 2023 – 2024, has started, and truckers are actively e-filing Form 2290 for this tax season on our platform. The new tax period started on July 1, 2023, and will last till June 30, 2024. Therefore, truckers and trucking taxpayers must e-file Form 2290 HVUT for the current tax season by August 31, 2023. IRS will charge penalties, late fees or interests on your tax dues if you miss the deadline to report or pay Form 2290 HVUT for your heavy highway vehicles. To stay ahead of the deadline, many truckers are actively e-filing Form 2290 truck dues to get Schedule Receipt 1 on time. So, they can smoothly operate their trucks on public highways without any hurdles.
Unique Features of TruckDues.com that helps in Effective Form 2290 E-filing Online.
Hello, truckers! The new tax season is here, and you must report your 2290 tax returns on time to avoid penalties and late charges from the IRS. The last date to report your Form 2290 HVUT for the new tax period is August 31, 2023. IRS made Form 2290 e-file compulsory for all truckers reporting 2290 truck taxes for 25 or more vehicles. Also, they advise all truckers, even owner–operators, to e-file Form 2290 online because it is simple, safe, accurate and easy for the IRS to process your tax returns on time. So, you must find an IRS – approved online Form 2290 e-filing service provider to e-file your Form 2290 HVUT returns.
TruckDues.com is an IRS – approved modernized Form 2290 e-filing service provider with a modern platform to e-file Form 2290 directly to the IRS without any hurdles. Among all other online e-filing service providers, TruckDues.com stands out with its unique features that make your Form 2290 e-filing effective and efficient for your time and money.
Happy Fourth of July from TruckDues.com!
To all hardworking truckers who spend endless hours on the road to provide for their family, TruckDues.com takes this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Independence Day. Also, we want to remind you that the new tax period, 2023-2024, is starting today. So, prepare your Form 2290 HVUT reports and file them to the IRS at the earliest. You can easily e-file Form 2290 online on TruckDues.com and get the Schedule 1 receipt to your e-mail. Choose Form 2290 e-filing this tax season for a smooth, tension-free tax filing with the IRS.
E-File your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 before Christmas Eve!

Truckers are you wondering whether to pay the taxes for the whole year or if that could be partial. Often assumptions lead to confusion with the tax deadlines and on the tax due amount part. The IRS Federal law indicates that “All heavy vehicles operated on the high way with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above and with a mileage of 5,000 miles (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicle) is taxable”.
The Prorated tax concept is basically calculated from the month of the vehicle’s first use. That being said the payment date would be your next question. Well, as per the IRS the “Prorated taxes are to be paid by the last date of the month following the month in which it was first used”. So the taxes for the vehicles bought by November is NOW due and the deadline to pay with no penalties would be 31st Dec, 2019.
What will you possibly incur if you don’t pay the 2290 tax dues on time? Well that’s simple, the IRS will charges a fee for failure to file and failure to pay at a rate of 4.5% and a penalty of 0.5% of the taxable amount. So think twice before you fall behind your HVUT Form 2290 Deadline.
Here at TruckDues.com this process is made simple and tax calculations are done automatically such that the website itself will do the math and notify you the computation. This will help you in saving your valuable time amidst off your busy on road schedule.
So what are you waiting for? Rush now just log into TruckDues.com to e-file your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290. You are just few clicks away from being able to transmit the return to the IRS and receive the watermarked copy of Form 2290 schedule-1 to your registered email address.
It’s just a week later since the High Time has commenced. E-Renew your HVUT Form 2290 Now!

Hello there
Truckers, as you all know that the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for renewal for
the period beginning July 1st, 2019 through June 30th,
2020. The Form 2290 is basically due by June and its payable until the end of August.
However we urge our HVUT payers to E-File and pay their HVUT Form 2290 as soon
as you can to receive an expedited response on the acceptance of your tax
Form 2290 is basically a Federal tax paid on heavy vehicles with a minimum
gross weight of 55000 lbs and the same is used over the public highways for
commercial, agricultural & logging purposes. The tax due is determined by the gross weight
of your vehicle, it begins with 55000
lbs represented by category A
and it increases until over 75000 lbs
represented by Category V.
There will be an increase of $22 for every increase of 1000 lbs in the gross weight. For example if you are reporting a vehicle on the Form 2290 with a maximum gross weight of 55000 lbs the tax due would remain to be $100 and applying the increase of $22, the Annual tax due amount would remain to be $550 for a vehicle reporting with a maximum carrying capacity of 80000 lbs. The electronic Filings will generally be acknowledged by the Internal Revenue Service with an issuance of the digital watermarked copy of schedule 1. This confirmation is a single page Form contacting the Vehicle Identification Number, your entity’s name and address with an E-File date stamp printed right across the middle of the page. This digital watermarked copy would serve you as the proof of filing during your vehicle registration purposes at the Department of Motor Vehicle
Claim a Refund if you have driven under the limit for Exemption!

Truckers, over this article we are going to discuss on how to go about claiming a refund on your vehicle if you realized that you have not driven it over the desired mileage limit for exemption. It is said by the Internal Revenue Service that the mileage limit for exemption remains to be 5000 miles or more for commercial based units and 7500 miles for Farming & Logging based units.
The Heavy Highway vehicle Used Tax Return HVUT Form 2290 is an annual tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service on vehicles which grosses over 55000 lbs or more and if the same vehicle is been used for its desired purpose. The Form 2290 is basically due by June and its payable until the end of August.
The Form 2290 needs to be filed for the upcoming 12 months hence one must be really sure about the mileage the truck is going to be used. If the truck will be used over the desired mileage lit for exemption, then you pay no taxes to the IRS. Only upon exceeding the desired mileage limit of exemption we have to pay the tax due amount to the IRS.
The Annual Heavy highway vehicle used tax return is due by June of every year and its payable until the end of August. However, the Federal law states that Form 2290 must be e-filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use. On that basis the Form 2290 is now due by June 30th, 2019 for vehicles first used since May 2019.
At this time, we would like to remind you about the Pre-filing your HVUT Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1st, 2019 through June 30th, 2020. By Pre-filing you’d be able to receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 back in your registered email address soon after the IRS begins processing 2019-2020 Form.