Category Archives: IRS updates

Did you know the IRS e-file servers are currently offline due to Labor Day?

Hello there truckers, did you know that the IRS e-file systems are down due to 125th Labor Day in the United States. Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September.

Hence, as a token of gratitude and in the motive of paying tribute towards the hardworkship od shown by many fellow Americans, this day is observed to be a Federal Holiday across the nation. Hence all the IRS facilities will remain closed as well the IRS e-file system will also be offline and non-operational. Any tax returns e-filed during this downtime would be placed on hold and will be processed by the IRS only when they recommence full operations beginning 7: 00 AM, Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday September 3.

As you know that the Annual HVUT Form 2290 is now already due for a renewal for the Period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 since June 2019 and the deadline to file & pay your tax return would be 08/31/2019. However for this year the last day of August falls on a weekend, the deadline is extended up until Tuesday Sept 3, 2019.

Any tax returns e-filed after the deadline will be considered late hence late filing fees and interests may apply over your tax dues to be paid. The penalties might go as high as 4.5% of the total tax due that remains to be accountable in accordance to your tax return. E-File your HVUT Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 with No Further Delay to avoid any penalties from the Internal Revenue Service.  Reach our Team expert support at 347-515-2290 for your HVUT Form 2290 needs.

Besides your Pro-rated Form 2290, Form 1120 is due by this month as Well.

The Form 1120 (officially the “U.S Corporate Income Tax Return”) is one of the IRS tax forms used by corporations (specifically, C corporations) to report their Income, Gains, losses, deductions, credits and to figure out their tax liability.

Wondering why we are even discussing about a different tax than Form 2290? Well we would like our Trucking community companies not to miss their business corporation taxes. The Tax Form 1120 is generally due by March 15th, every year. However for business that are involved in trucking are working restless to address the nation’s needs on time hence there are greater chances to miss the calculation part near the business tax deadline.

So you get a chance to claim an extension via Form 7004, It’s the form used to file for an automatic extension of time to file your business tax return for a partnership, a multiple member LLC filing as a partnership, a corporation, or s-corporation. The IRS indicates that, “Form 7004 does not extend the time for payment of tax.” Hence, you must pay taxes due (guesstimate) by your tax return due date, even if you file an extension application. You may also log on to the official IRS website to find the authorized e-file service provider to have your extensions filed successfully.

Now the bloodstream of our nation’s economy (Trucking) taxes HVUT Form 2290 is also due by the end of this month on a Pro-rated basis. By the federal law that states, that Form 2290 must be filed on a vehicle by the last day of the month following the month of its first use. On this basis, the Pro-rated Form 2290 is now due by March 31st, 2019 for vehicles that are into service since February 2019.

Our Tax experts stay dedicated to assist you with your HVUT Form 2290 needs or working hours are from [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.MCentral Standard Time]. See you over the next article. Happy Trucking! Keep Moving America Forward!

E-File your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 before Feb 28, 2019.

Hello there truckers, the Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 is due by Feb 28, 2019 for vehicles first used since January 2019. This Pro-rated deadline is drafted based on the Federal law that indicates Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.

Now if you had purchased/re-purchased any new truck during January 2019, you got 60 days before you could file this Form 2290, you generally file this tax Form to get your vehicle plates, tags, licenses renewed.

Now for many who just turned out to be truckers, this form may not sound familiar or perhaps we must say that they do not even an idea about this Tax Form until they wanted their vehicle registrations to be done. They also do not know what the importance of this tax Form is.

The HVUT Form 2290 is basically an annual tax paid to the Internal Revenue Service which is paid on Heavy trucks which comprises a taxable gross weight of 55000 lbs to the minimum until 80000 lbs & above and if the said truck is used on the public highways for commercial, agricultural & logging purposes.

However, the vehicle is determined to be a Taxable vehicle (Where the tax payment needs to be made full in advance to the IRS) or Suspended/Exempt vehicle (Where no tax payment needs to be made to the IRS) based on the desired mileage limit for exemption drafted by the Internal Revenue Service by virtue of the nature of job the utility vehicle performs.

Hence, if the subjected vehicle is expected not to go over the desired mileage use of exemption, it remains to be exempt from Form 2290 tax payment, however a tax return needs to be filed for this vehicle to legally claim and exemption. has been serving the ver hard working trucking community over the past 5 years with their HVUT Form 2290 filings at a very honest pricing, $7.99 we ensure that you receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 in your registered e-mail address within minutes after you e-file.

Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.

The Government has temporarily recommenced operations after the longest shut down ever!

The U.S. government has re-opened temporarily after the longest shutdown in American history.  The impact that the 35 days of the President Trump’s government shutdown has had on federal workers and beyond.  This shutdown has adversely affected many tax payers either with quite a few tax forms were lined up for renewal namely, Federal tax Forms 2290, 720, International Fuel Tax Agreement & few more.

According to the statistics of the Congressional Budget Office, The recent government shutdown cost the economy $11 billion, including a permanent $3 billion loss. Although most of the damage to the economy will be reversed as the government reopens and workers return to their jobs, the CBO Congressional Budget Office (Federal agency) estimated $3 billion in economic activity is permanently lost.

Whilst this historical shutdown prevailed, many HVUT tax payers contacted us to know about the IRS recommencement to deal with their penalties, general inquiries and etc.  Since serves to be an intermediate service provider for e-filing the Federal tax form 2290, our expertise is only towards the overall e-filing process and its sequential processes.

However, throughout this shutdown we had to manage many conventional paper filer’s questions due to major local IRS facilities & Courthouses shutdown besides the e-filing option was there as live option to File and pay the HVUT Form 2290 amidst the shutdown and e-filers were still been able to File, pay & Receive the IRS digital watermarked copies of Schedule 1 in their registered e-mail address.

However, we felt happy that we were considered to as a helpline for 2290 e-filing by many owner operators who had no option to schedule any appointments nor was able to contact the Internal Revenue Service regarding seeking assistance with their Heavy Vehicle Used tax Forms. We always feel much obliged to serve the ever hard working trucking community with their HVUT Tax Filing needs.

Feel free to reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:

Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]


Live chat with our tax representatives.

Have a Good One! See you over the next article.