So trucking nation, welcome to our blog. We have an announcement to make. has newly introduced filing of form 8849 Schedule 6. With this form, you can a claim on your form 2290 for the following scenarios:
If your vehicle is stolen, sold or destroyed before June 1st (the end of the HVUT tax year). In any of the mentioned event, the tax will be prorated based on the date of the event. Don’t worry, will do the math for you once the information is added in the application.
If your vehicle had traveled lesser miles than the standardized miles during the taxation year, you are qualified for a refund. Like, if you traveled 5,000 miles or fewer on public highways during the tax year (7,500 if it’s an agricultural vehicle), you can file a refund claim through TruckDues. This credit is not prorated. So you will simply receive a full refund of the taxes paid at the end of the tax year. (Yes, you have to wait until June 1st to E-file for this refund to prove that you did not hit the mileage limit till the next tax season.)
And, if you have overpaid your heavy vehicle use tax by either:
- Filing for the incorrect number of trucks, or
- Selecting the wrong first-used month on your Form 2290, or
- Choosing an incorrect, higher category weight for the vehicle
Pro-rated refunds are issued in all three of these cases.
(Note: Refunds for lower gross vehicle weight will only be issued if the vehicle remains in the lower category for the entire tax year. IRS does not issue refunds for partial refunds for temporary reduced weight.)
The above points speak about the scenarios applicable for a refund; however, the following cases speak about where a refund is not applicable:
- If you are operating at a low gross vehicle weight than initially reported, or occasionally, light or decreased load might make you lose some weight (and save on the mileage!) does not warrant a refund of excise tax.
- If your vehicle was on road only part of the year, doesn’t really assure you a refund. It does not matter how often you used your vehicle, or how many months you used. All that matters here is, if you have exceeded the 5,000-mile limit (7,500 for agriculture) there would be no refund applicable. Refunds will only be issued if the vehicle drove less than the mileage limit during the tax year.
Do you fit into any of the scenarios? If yes, come over and e-file your credit with You can also ask for instant support from our Tax Expertise while e filing. We are one call away. You can reach our Tax Expertise during the business hours via phone at (347) 515 – 2290 or email us your queries to