So, how was your experience witnessing the all American total eclipse yesterday? It would sure have been a joyous moment for many across the nation to witness the once in Life time path of Totality. However, now the eclipse is over so does yesterday.
Today, we are approaching you with this article to remind you about the near term Form 2290 HVUT tax deadline which is due by Aug 31, 2017. This deadline seems intense as it would be the last chance for someone to File and Pay their Form 2290 for the period beginning July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 if they haven’t done so yet.
There is no further extension of deadline beyond Aug 31, 2017. You might stay cool now by attempting to procrastinate until the last moment of the deadline, but be aware that many procrastinators would have the same mentality in common. This would turn out to be an avalanche of last moment filers near the deadline, as many might lose their patience as they wouldn’t have control over time by then.
Instead try filing your HVUT form 2290 before the deadline at peace and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of Schedule 1 instantly back in your registered e-mail address. is rated to be one of the reliable and nominally charging websites to E-file the HVUT Form 2290. It has earned its trust among many independent truckers, trucking companies and major trucking communities across our nation. E-filing begins here as low as $7.99. Why waiting until the deadline when we got E-filing as an option. Log on to and Renew your 2017-2018 Form 2290 before Aug 31, 2017 (08/31/2017) to stay away from the IRS penalties and interests.