Hey there truckers, this article is to indicate that we got a near term tax deadline by Jan 31st, 2019 only for the Heavy Vehicles which are operational on the road since Dec 2018. Despite that fact that how many days the truck was operational throughout the month, the HVUT would be due by the last day of the following month. Since, Form 2290 is due on any vehicle by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.
Only when you’re truck is going to be used over 5000 miles from the time you place the truck on the road up until June of the following year, you pay taxes on the vehicle on a pro-rated basis by reporting your vehicle to be a Taxable vehicle. (A Partial tax payment calculated from the vehicle’s first used month through June of the following year).
Whereas, if the truck is going to be used under 5000 miles and if you are affirmative about that fact, you may simply go ahead and report your vehicle on a Form 2290 as a Suspended Vehicle ( Meaning it’s basically exempt from paying taxes despite the number of months it’s really been used on the highway)
E-filing your annual HVUT is isn’t a rocket science. It is way simpler than you imagine. We got the most user friendly application setup for you where e you’d be able to fill out your tax return by simply answering few questions during the filing process and rest is been taken care by our application in terms of generating your report in a PDF (Portable Document Format) . Post reviewing your tax PDF, you may electronically transmit your tax return to the IRS for acceptance.
As a result you’d be able to print the proof of filing digitally watermarked by the Internal Revenue Service back in your registered e-mail address within minutes for your documentation purposes. The same copy can be used as the legal proof of filing during your vehicle registration purposes.
Please feel free to reach our support team @ (347) 515 2290 [9. AM through 5 PM, Central Standard Time including weekends and all major federal holidays] or write us: support@truckdues.com or Live chat with our support team for instant help.