Hello there Truckers, over this article we are going to discuss about the most common trouble faced by our users while trying to process the service fee payment using their credit/debit cards towards electronically transmitting their tax returns to the IRS for acceptance.
When you generally try to use your credit/debit card over any website to conduct a transaction, you could possibly face a transaction failure message due to these 3 common errors as listed below:
Error 1 – Incorrect personal information.
Error 2 – Delayed payment
Error 3 – Incorrect credit card details.
Incorrect personal information:
The term speaks for itself, when your information entered likely Name on the card, the Billing address etc. seems to be imprecise in accordance to the card you’re trying to use, basically it ends up as a failure in authenticity of the transaction, and hence our system will not be able to capture/process the payment off your card. Hence, it’s better to verify your personal information before processing a payment.
Delayed payment:
A stable internet connection is absolutely necessary for a transaction to go through successfully. If the internet speed fluctuates heavily then it could affect the transaction. Also, closing the tab or window will result in failed payment or incomplete payment. Also, letting the webpage to remain stranded for a longer with no activity might expel you off the current session and would advise you to re-login to re-establish connection. That being said, this remains to be another reason to face a Transaction Failure.
Incorrect credit card details.
If your transaction is unsuccessful, it’s because your bank or Credit Card Company has declined the transaction due to entry of incorrect details. Possible reasons why your payment was declined: your type of card is not accepted by this website like if you forget to select the type of the card such as VISA, MASTER, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER etc. before entering your card details.
Now regardless of the above 3 error scenarios, if you faced a transaction failure & if your bank account indicates withdrawals, do not panic as the failure payments does appear to be a debit on your statement but technically the money was unsettled to us on these failure transactions.
Well, generally your financial institution/Bank reserves the amount for every transaction that you attempt to conduct. However if the transaction fails your bank will automatically release the funds back to your bank account. Generally it takes up to 2-4 business days (depends on your financial institution’s terms & regulations) to notice the credit appearance in your card. You may certainly contact your bank for further inquiries over this matter.
We hope you find this article useful while performing any credit card transactions henceforth.
Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:
Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]
E-mail: support@truckdues.com
Live chat with our tax representatives.
Have a Good One! See you over the next article.