Tag Archives: Schedule -1 receipt

Now clone your Previously e-filed Form 2290 tax returns and pre-file for TY 2020-21 in an instant!

Hello there dear Truckers! Hope you’re safe and sound amidst the pandemic. As you all know it’s just weeks before Form 2290 is up for renewal and it’s time to give some pointers and educate on the new and handy updates on our website to make your filings easier. Filing 2290’s has become easier as we always take a step closer to simplify out the process.

As you know you will be able to pre-file your tax returns for the tax year July 2020 – June 2021 with us we have brought a small update to the filing process, most of our customers call in to file the taxes for the same trucks and suggested if there was a cloning option to replicate the same filing as previously done. You’ve asked for it and we’ve done it.

Steps to clone a return:

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It’s just a couple of weeks before your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 expires!

Hello there dear truckers, the Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 is now due by 04/30/2020 for vehicles first used since March 2020. This deadline is been drafted by the IRS federal law that indicates that Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use. And COVID-19 playing its role as our fate lies on it the govt is yet to announce any news relating to form 2290. Though we are amidst a global pandemic it is our duty to support our nation through such tax payments and this blog is just a reminder for that.

You may even think if this deadline has anything to do about the regular Annual renewals which are basically due by June & payable until August. But, it does not. This deadline is only concerned about vehicles that are into service since March 2020.

The Heavy highway vehicle is basically paid on trucks with a minimum taxable gross weight of 55000 lbs and it’s paid for vehicles that are used over the public highways for commercial, agricultural & logging purposes. The desired mileage limit for exemption is drafted upon these vehicles based on the nature of its use.

For commercial based units & logging vehicles, the desired mileage limit of exemption is said to be 5000 miles each and for Agricultural based vehicles, it is said to be 7500 miles. Only when to seem to exceed the respective mileage based on your vehicle’s desired purpose of use you need to make the tax payment to the IRS full in advance for the period it needs to be reported.

Failure to pay the tax dues on time results in the incurrence of penalties & interests on top of the requisite tax due owed anywhere ranging from 2.5% to 4.5% of the total tax due amount to be paid granting no further extensions whatsoever. E-filing 2290 has been made easy with www.truckdues.com where quality service is been offered at a much affordable price as e-filing begins here as low as $7.99 our help-desk is just at a phone call away. So amidst this coronavirus issue, the nation still needs more truckers to deliver the necessities and if you have a new truck bought and if you intend to put the vehicle on road you need to file your taxes to get the registrations done. So, why are you waiting to start filing now? 

The IRS e-file service is finally up and running!

Hello dear truckers, Hope our wishes reached you! With great kick start for the year and we hope it’s been quite good so far for you. Yet again it’s time for our timely updates for you and we have two things to inform you. Being at the start of the year we could see that most of our customers are buying and trading trucks for a fresh start as an upgrade. Any vehicles bought in the month of December and vehicles on road starting December 2019, it’s time for you to file your form 2290’s under prorated basis to get your schedule-1 copy for your license plates before January 31st, 2020. File your Form 2290’s right away and get your schedule-1 copies into your email today. Why wait when you can do it now.

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E-file Truck Tax Form 2290, a PLUS!

Wow, this is about Form 2290 and Schedule-1 electronic filing of your taxable vehicle this July 2016. You know that this 2290 tax is due now and needs to be filed. Electronic filing would be the right choice to file these taxes and it has a plus. Let us see the plus that you can gain with e-filing.

Electronic Filing:

TruckDues.com gives you the plus+ of electronic filing and helps you save time, money and get your taxes done right. Accurate filing is possible with TruckDues.com and you just need to answer simple questions about your trucking business, vehicle details and mileage use limit to complete your tax return. Continue reading