Hello there truckers, almost on a daily basis we get calls from our HVUT filers trying to figure out what their HVUT Form 2290 tax due would be. Hence, we have come up with a solution, Yes despite we have an inbuilt tax calculator integrated in our website, besides we got a Tax Calculator widget enabled for you right on our home page.
Soon as you logon to www.truckdues.com you may enter your vehicle details to get the tax computation done within minutes. So you’d be able to figure out the exact tax calculation for the number of vehicles that you intend to report on this Form way in advance.
E-Filing your HVUT Form 2290 is way easier than you think, simply enter your information and answer few questions on our website and our website would automatically fill out your application and generates a virtual paperwork which can be submitted directly to the IRS.
Post you submit your application, it just takes few minutes before you receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 in your registered e-mail address and the same can be used during your vehicle registration at the Department of Motor Vehicle.
Choose e-filing via www.truckdues.com for a hassle free tax filing process. Reach us back for further assistance during your e-filing process over the following mediums:
Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]
E-mail: support@truckdues.com
Live chat with our tax representatives.
Have a Good One! See you over the next article.