Tag Archives: Truckers

The Turkey’s Gone, Now it’s Merry Christmas wishes from TruckDues.com

blog-imageThe greatest season of joy is right around the   corner. It is now the time for us to the hide gifts under the tree, decorate our houses, garden with lights, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of “Merry Christmas” to those who pass by in the streets.

Generally Christmas is supposed to be a time spent with family & friends. But not many are   gonna really enjoy the essence of the Christmas joy, especially for most truck driver’s Christmas can be a lonely time as they are on the road for nearly the entire month of December. During the holiday most truckers work; which proves that there is no substitute for hard work. If they don’t move, the nation wouldn’t.

Here are a few tips for our hard working American truckers on road during Christmas holiday: Continue reading

Wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving- TruckDues.com


Can you believe it’s just a couple of days away? Yeah it’s Thanksgiving, the time when families come together despite their differences eat, feel & celebrate gratitude for the good things in life. This is a day of festivity; family reunions and lavish feasts including dishes like roasted turkeys, Cranberry sauce, Corns. Potatoes and Pumpkin pie are included in the Thanksgiving meal.

Gratitude is not simply something that we externally share with others; it is an attitude that we live with every day.  A lack of gratitude is often at the root of a variety of the ills that plague relationships. For example, when a boss never thanks his employees for what they do, the employees start to resent both him and their job which would cause an avalanche of damage on performance on either ends. Continue reading

Thank you for your Service! We salute your dedication.

veterans-day-picFreedom was never free! We live in a Free Country now. Amidst of our commitment clogged life & busy schedules we must take a moment to recognize the hard work and dedication of our American veterans on observance of Armistice Day. Our Veterans old and young alike, wore physical and mental scars of combat for one reason that is for us to have a Safer Life. After serving our country so honorably, many of our war heroes feel a sense of duty to continue to give back to the land they love and have fought so hard to protect. Continue reading