Tag Archives: VIN Correction

E-file VIN Corrections for Free Only with Truckdues.com

We here at Truckdues.com do know the fact that every hardworking trucker behind the wheel are not tech savvy and are not very familiar with E-filing HVUT. So it is very easy to make mistake by keying in an incorrect VIN on the Form 2290. Correcting a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) may sound complicated and it is more confusing when you do it online, but with Truckdues.com this process is a walk in the park. The taxpayer simply needs to file an IRS Form 2290 Amendment to correct the mistakenly filed VIN. Continue reading

Amend Form 2290 with TruckDues in Minutes

Form 2290 is usually calculated based on the weight and the miles going to be covered during the taxation period. Do you know what happens, when you exceed the taxable gross weight or the miles as you had mentioned in the form and the same get imprinted in your schedule 1 copy. Well, if such scenarios come up, you are mandate to file form 2290 Amendment return to pay IRS the excess and get a revised schedule 1 copy. Continue reading

Amendment Form 2290 With TruckDues.com

So what is going on trucking nation? Last week, we made an announcement regarding the new introduction of form 8849 schedule 6 at TruckDues.com. Today, we are proud to announce another vertical in form 2290 with TruckDues.com. Form 2290 Amendment return. Each time you efile or paper file form 2290 during the tax season or prorated, you are required to file tax based on the weight and the miles you will be traveling during the course of the year.

Assuming, your vehicle was filed under suspended vehicle last year, and this year you presume the same. But unfortunately, your truck exceeds the mileage limit as a suspended vehicle and moves to a new category. Here is where, Amendment form 2290 is required. Keep reading for a clear picture. Continue reading