Hello dear truckers, Hope our wishes reached you! With great kick start for the year and we hope it’s been quite good so far for you. Yet again it’s time for our timely updates for you and we have two things to inform you. Being at the start of the year we could see that most of our customers are buying and trading trucks for a fresh start as an upgrade. Any vehicles bought in the month of December and vehicles on road starting December 2019, it’s time for you to file your form 2290’s under prorated basis to get your schedule-1 copy for your license plates before January 31st, 2020. File your Form 2290’s right away and get your schedule-1 copies into your email today. Why wait when you can do it now.
The other great news is that the IRS has finally resumed its e-services starting today and any returns filed during the downtime December 26th, 2019 to January 6th, 2020 will receive your schedule-1 copies by today. Any Form 2290 tax returns filed through www.TruckDues.com will now be processed immediately and deliver your sch.1 copies to your email in no time which is indeed helpful to have your tags renewed. So the IRS is on the run aren’t you? File your 2290 taxes today.
TruckDues has rated to be one of the most reliable websites who offers 2290 e-file services to our ever hardworking trucking community at a much affordable cost, as e-Filing begins here as low as $7.99. TruckDues is dedicated to serving millions of owner-operators with utmost priority and is available at (347) 515-2290 for any further assistance with your HVUT Form 2290 needs. Happy trucking.