Hello there dear truckers! With a grateful heart we write this to you, Thanks for all your support in supporting us for the past five years. We as a team feel grateful to all our loyal customers who file with us, as we commit towards best in offering services to you. Truckdues.com wouldn’t have become the most preferred service provider for economic filers if it wasn’t for you. Trust in us for we do the same, Words would never explain our gratitude toward the success that you have brought to us as a company.
We have been providing Form 2290 tax services starting at $7.99, which is the best pricing for a bundle of service you get. Though there are many competitors who provide services lesser than this, the support you get for the fee that you pay is limited when you compare to truckdues.com. What makes us stand apart from others then? In terms of support we offer assistance over the phone, chat and email as well which is not offered by any other service provider in the industry with best standards. Also when if you are not able to reach us do not worry, just leave us a voice mail you would receive an immediate response call within 5 minutes (in business hours) from our tax experts to address your form 2290 concerns. So what about after hours, not to worry you can leave us a voice mail or we have an option for offline chats where our representatives will reach you first thing as soon as we step in the next day.
We thrive to provide our customers with the best experience possible when filing with us. We are time efficient and well equipped to minimalize your time spent for filing your form 2290’s. E-file with us and receive your schedule-1 copy with a watermark within minutes in your email. Why spend hundreds of dollars a year for your HVUT form 2290 taxes while you can get the best for just $7.99? The support doesn’t end here we also help our customers in correcting the original filings if any mistakes are done on it. We offer VIN corrections for free if your original return was filed through us or its just $9.99. We also help our customers to transfer credits to new trucks or claim the credits as a refund for trucks sold, destroyed or stolen for just $11.99. We are proud to showcase the fee as we offer the most aggressive pricing factor in the industry.
Still not convinced? Yes it’s always good to confirm before you spend your hard-earned cash, we are listed under the IRS website as the authorized service provider for Form 2290 and not to mention our customer reviews . Well we have the best reviews and ratings in the market of more than 91% of our customers rating us at 5 stars and above and 5% of our customers rating us at over 4 stars, we are working towards the 100% mark and we hope to reach that milestone soon with your help!
There is always room for development, as we always lend our ears to our customers please feel free to share your reviews at https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.truckdues.com?languages=en or call us 347-515-2290 to share your experience using our services and any assistance with your form 2290’s and also you can drop an email to support@truckdues.com. And we once again for bestowing your trust upon us with your taxes and we hope to deliver the best for you always, Happy trucking!