Tag Archives: American Trucking

Reasons to E-file Your HVUT Return with Truckdues.com

Are you still in the Stone Age by paper filing your Excise Tax returns?  Guess what, more than 70 percent of the taxpayers file their taxes electronically. The IRS has processed over a billion HVUT returns safely and securely since the past decade, the Official beginning of E-filing ERA. Very few still stick with paper filing Continue reading

Form 2290 Due Date reminder: For vehicles first used in January

February 29th is the due date to file IRS Form 2290 HVUT for vehicles first used in January. Any heavy vehicle that was bought into service in January 2016 is due for Form 2290 by February 29th .The tax amount will be prorated for the months remaining in the tax year 2015 – 2016. Continue reading

A Way to Save Your Money on E-filing HVUT Form 2290

Who will not like to keep their hard earned money all for themselves? Practically it is not possible to keep everything you earn, but there are several ways to save a major portion of it. Wise men always say “A penny Saved is a Penny Earned”.

On a recent survey with Truckers it was found that, on an average a truck Driver with Two years of experience earns only 34 to 37cpm if he drives Legal. Moreover he has to take 5 days off after 4 – 5 weeks of working Schedule and also has to meet is strict mileage requirement. Continue reading

Trucker’s Best Friend in E-filing Tax Form 2290

Have you ever wondered how important Time is for anyone in Trucking Industry? Recently met an old friend of mine, who is a Truck Driver we had a short chat. He was accompanied by his fellow Trucker and that’s when I realized how hectic their lives are.

Trucking is not a typically scheduled job; chaotic would be a more accurate description. Too many variables weather, loading and unloading delays, appointments, breakdowns, traffic, etc., also depends on what you haul, Flat beds don’t usually get unloaded at night. Most shipping hubs are 24/7 but not all receivers. Continue reading

3 Days To Go For Filing Form 2290 By The Due Date

With unlimited numbers of spam taking place over the virtual world, security is the first thing we have in mind. And when TruckDues.com is offering a safe, secure and effective solution to e-file your tax return online, you should go the extra mile to keep your own information safe and secure.

Since there is hardly 24 hours left to e-file form 2290 tax return, paper filing is out of question. And with that e-filing comes in for your rescue. E-filing with TruckDues.com is safe, secure and the best deal in town with form 2290. And when you e-file with us, you will experience an overall difference with paper filing and realize how easy it can be when you are dealing with taxes online. You don’t have to bother with the tax calculations or the error check or even wait for days together to receive your schedule 1 copy. So come over and e-file your tax return online with TruckDues.com and feel the security touching its heights. Form 2290 is an application to file heavy vehicle used tax, for vehicles weighing more than 55,000 pounds and drive more than 5,000 miles.

So are you wondering the feature list that tags along with TruckDues.com

One Time Registration: The online filing business is no more beating behind the bush. E-filing is a trend now; every filer is opting for electronically filing, as it is more like a blessing than a bane. And the same thing implies when we have audience dropping by in large numbers for filing N number of trucks in one go. You can enjoy the advantage of online filing with one time registration. You can use the credentials each time you log in and report your tax any time during the year or even each tax season. And if you have missed placed your credentials, reach out for our experts and they can be of your help.

2290 Tax Meter: Each time you prepare your return online, key in the information asked by the application and the tax meter would do the calculation for you. Now you can E-file with confidence, knowing there won’t be any costly last minute surprises.

Smart Upload: If your account is newly registered, there’s a way to upload your business details and vehicles faster than ever! With our bulk upload, you can import .xls, .xlsx and .csv files with valid vehicle information directly into your account. Even if you manage hundreds or thousands of trucks, they can all be imported at once, just through one click. Having said that, e-filing stands as the fastest method to e-file and pay tax.

Word of Queries:

Our support team is truly one-of-a-kind. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our Tax Experts prove their real need by offering the support through phone, email, and chat right when you need it most. Most impressively, they do it all with a smile. So do not hesitate to ask them all you want to know!

Payment At Fingertips:

At TruckDues.com, you can enjoy paying for your dues to the IRS through important 3 methods. IRS do not accept credit cards anymore, you can pay your dues through Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS through the government, or by check or money order. We believe in serving you the best, we are not done yet!

Instant Audit:

Once you are done with preparing your return, our application would scan for errors and notify if any errors found immediately.

Bundle Of Notifications:

We know you anticipate a quick respond from IRS with regards to your filing status, and we make it quicker for you through our notification systems. Whether you choose email, text, or fax (or all of the above!) you’ll know the second your return has been processed by the IRS, and we’ll automatically email you your stamped Schedule 1 too. If you elect fax notifications, we’ll fax your return to the number you wish to receive the faxed schedule 1 copy. Isn’t it as simple as ever? Well, it is. And we are proud service providers to serve you with the best.

So what is the deal on about? Are you e-filing today with TruckDues.com? well, if you are not, then you will be missing out the deals and features listed above and if you are wondering if you should stick to your decision, then we would suggest you to try it for free once and then take your vital decision.

If you need any help with the e-filing process, our dedicated support legends are here for you. All you have to do is give them a call at (347) 515 – 2290 or send them an email at support@taxexcise.com for 24/hour support.

And remember, Trucking Nation, you only have 3 days left to e-file your HVUT without penalties! So come over immediately and e-file without any hassle.

Count Down Begins: E-file With TruckDues.com 2015-16

Each time you come across a new e-file service provider, the only question pops us in mind, why didn’t I realize I can e-file with this service provider? Well, we do not blame you for this, nor do we blame the search engines. We have no one to be blamed or to confide. However, since you have already discovered about TruckDues.com, it’s time to join hands with this authentic, IRS certified E-filing service provider for faster tax filing experience.

Before we move into the details of e-filing, we have an announcement to make. The long tax season is coming to an end by this month end i.e. 31st August 2015, which also means, the countdown for filing tax has began and with less time in hand, we request all the tax filers to come over and e-file their tax return with utmost ease and receive their schedule 1 copy in minutes.

So Who Needs To File Form 2290 2015-16 With TruckDues?

So if your vehicle weigh more than 55,000 pounds and is likely to cross 5,000 miles during the taxation year 2015-16, you’re required to file form 2290. However, if your vehicle does not cover the standardized weight and miles, your vehicle is counted as suspended vehicle. Now, that does not mean you don’t have to pay taxes to IRS. You are requested to file form 2290 before the due date and keep IRS informed about your suspension. There are other types of vehicle as well, that includes logging and exempted vehicles.

Logging vehicles are those, which are used in the forestry area to transport logs and other important material to the city using the highway. These vehicles are required to file form 2290; however, the tax paid by these vehicles is minimal compared to taxable vehicles.

What Happens If You Don’t File By The Due Date?


The total penalty for not filing by August 2014 will be 4.5% of the total tax due. This penalty is added up for 5 months.

For instance, if your total tax due is $250, then penalty will be $250X4.5%= $11.25

So total tax due with penalty will be $261.25


Apart from penalties, the IRS charges monthly interest for the total tax due which is 0.5 of the total tax due.

If you want to avoid penalties, you can e-file before the due date or you have to file with penalties and interest, which will cost you around 5% of the total tax due. It is advisable to file your tax return on time to stay away from IRS audits.

How Can You E-file With TruckDues.com?

Unlike every other service provider, we have a user-friendly application with features like Tax calculations and error check inbuilt app to solve the unhidden mystery of tax calculations and avoid rejections. Other than that, you can also subscribe for text alert and Fax copy for instant alerts. And the best part about e-filing with TruckDues is that, you really don’t have to bother your laptops or desktop, we have a customized version for any medium, allowing you to file with easiness and within minutes. Now, you can file on the go!

How Do I Get My Stamped Schedule 1?

Now that you know what it looks like, you may be wondering how you go about getting a Stamped Schedule 1. Well, there are two ways for you to receive your proof of filing:

The first way you can get your Stamped Schedule 1 is right after you file. When you file with TruckDues, we will automatically send it to you via email.

And the second method is, you can choose to receive your Stamped Schedule 1 by fax, and you can have it faxed to your carrier once IRS accepts your tax return.

E-filing for your HVUT is not only faster, but you essentially get your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes unlike paper filing. And when you e-file with TruckDues all your information is secure, and the whole processes is easy, and fast!

If you need any help e-filing and getting your Stamped Schedule 1, our dedicated support agents are here for you! Just give them a call at (347) 515 – 2290 during our new extended business hours even at the weekends. Or you can even send them an email at support@taxexcise.com  for 24/hour support.

Third Party Designee In Form 2290

Hello truckers, welcome back to our TruckDues Blog. A new week is here, and so here is a new blog post for you all truckers to read and apply the information in your tax filing sessions.

Today we would talk about all about Third Party Designee and give you a clear picture about the same. We have been paying form 2290 every year for the vehicles weighting more than 55,000 pounds. Each time you file your form online, the application ask you if you would like to assign third party designee for your form 2290. Some skip, some do assign. It’s up to you but there are certain benefits you can enjoy if you assign a third party designee.

There would be many reasons for not assigning a designee for your tax discussion; however, today we will speak about the roles and recognitions of a Third Party Designee.

Purpose of Third Party Designee:

Well, if you want any of your employee or business head, a return preparer or any other third party who deals with your financial returns, can discuss with IRS about your form 2290. While filing form, check on “Yes” to authorize IRS to speak with the designee to answer the questions shot by IRS related to the information noted in form 2290. Also, you are authorizing the designee for:

  • Exchange of information concerning form 2290 with IRS,
  • Request and receive written tax return information related to form 2290, including copies of notices, correspondence, and account transcripts.

You need to mention the designee’s name, phone number and the five digits that person choose as his/her personal identification number (PIN). The authorization applies only to the tax return on, which it appears. However, the taxpayer is not authorizing the designee to bind the taxpayer to anything, that includes additional tax liability or otherwise represent the taxpayer before the IRS. the authorization expires in a year’s time from the date of authorization. If you wish to revoke the same, you can write to IRS. Check IRS official website for more information.

Any other queries related to truck tax or you would like to share your feedback about our application, feel free to get in touch with our Tax Expertise at simply call to (347) 515 – 2290 or shoot an email to support@truckdues.com. We will showcase our finesse through our services.

Errors You Should Stay Away From While Filing Form 2290

So what is going on, fellow truckers? The roads are busy, the trucks are filled with load to be delivered and if you have taken your vehicle out for the first t time this month, the tax is left due for the month. You are liable to file form 2290 online or paper file before the due date, i.e. 31st of March 2015. And you have only 3 days in hand to get your tax return filed. With the time constraint and the limitation with the due date, the best option or say, the method to file and report form 2290 is e-filing. However, we would not like you to move too fast, as haste will only bring in careless mistakes. Continue reading

Trucking and Truck Drivers in America

Trucking Industry is vital to our nation’s economy and plays a significant role in moving freights internally. Intrastate and interstate trucking is connecting the important routes across the country. According to a ATA release our economy depends on trucks to deliver ten billion tons of virtually every commodity consumed—or nearly 70 percent of all freight transported annually in the U.S. In the U.S. alone, this accounts for $671 bill ion worth of goods transported by truck.Add $295 billion in truck trade with Canada and $195.6 billion in truck trade with Mexico and it becomes apparent that any disruption in truck traffic will lead to rapid economic instability.

Every commercial truck driver is expected to drive up to fourteen hours straight a day, receiving roughly ten hours off prior to the beginning of the next shift. Legislation regulating the amount of driving a trucker performs over the course of a day and week does exist, but these rules are commonly bent and broken. Mainly because of less potential commercial truck drivers available to take up this challenging job. Truckers rarely receive more than one day of work off a week. The chance of dying on the job is extremely high, with deaths of truckers in auto accidents accounting for 12% of all work related deaths in the United States. Truck driving is one of the 10 deadliest jobs in America as quoted by Forbes. Continue reading