Hello, truckers! We want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Halloween 2022! Today is the last date to report and pay your 2290 truck taxes to the IRS for your heavy vehicles and trucks first used in September 2022. Therefore, don’t miss the deadline; e-file form 2290 at TruckDues.com and get the instant IRS stamped schedule 1 receipt today. TruckDues.com offers the best form 2290 HVUT online e-filing service solutions to e-file form 2290 to the IRS smoothly.
Tag Archives: hvut form 2290 online
How to Get a Free EIN (Employer Identification Number)

Hello there dear truckers, last week’s blog was emphasized the different types of rejections. The most important of them all was the EIN rejection or name control rejection the combination of the EIN and the name of the taxpayer is revised into a unique identifier for each taxpayer. And, you stand responsible to provide the correct EIN while filing or your return would be rejected if the same doesn’t match.
If you don’t remember your EIN while filing your return or you have accidentally misplaced it, reach IRS at 1-866-699-4096 and they would look into it for you.
While majority of truckers have a registered EIN or tax ID many still seem to file using their social security number. Well is it not something that can be used ? We wouldn’t say no but an SSN can be used only while paper filing at the IRS office directly or manually by mailing the documents to the IRS office. Since the IRS offices are closed due to covid-19 paper filing is out of the option and hence one would not be able to use it in filing a 2290 return electronically. So what do you do in this case?
Today, we are going to tell you how to apply for an EIN.
Continue readingWhy do we go for a 2290 Amendment?

Hey truckers it’s once again time for a few pointers and transfer of knowledge about your HVUT Form 2290 filings. The filing season was a hectic one, wasn’t it? Since you are done with filing the returns hope you checked your schedule-1 copies for any mistakes. Any mismatch in the information would end up as a void filing. The recent question which we faced was about “2290 AMENDMENTS”. In this blog, we are going to see when to file an amendment and how to and when not to.
An Amendment is bringing about a change or correction to an existing return. People often confuse between VIN correction and an amendment. The VIN correction needs to be done on a separate filing and this doesn’t relate to anything with the Amendments.
Amendments are basically for reporting two things
- When there is an increase in gross weight (truck, trailer, and max load capacity)
- When the suspended vehicle exceeds the mileage limit (over 5000 miles)
Is it due already? Are the taxes common for all the trucks? well let’s find out about your Form 2290

Dear HVUT filers, As we have learned to live along with the pandemic Virus on the loose we also have good news around different parts of the world regarding a vaccine for a cure. Hope it brings a breakthrough and saves lives. Till then be safe and sanitized. As you know the HVUT Form 2290 is now due for a renewal for the Period beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, thousands of truckers have e-filed their HVUT Form 2290 for the current period already. So act before it’s too late to join the e-filer club and receive the IRS digital watermarked copy of schedule 1 in minutes.
Continue readingFile your taxes with caution and verify the authenticity, follow only reliable sources. Stay away from SCAMS!

Yes, it’s everywhere now. In the world of never-ending diseases, this is the most dreadful one. It’s not to be treated by medicine rather by awareness. It’s time to be responsible and keep you aware of such calls. “SCAM” calls have increased and the threats are at a greater level. A News article very recently reported an incident of a SCAM call pretending to be from the IRS! A very elderly lady to be ripped off of hundreds of thousands. Luckily a cab driver while conversing with the customer (Victim) while dropping her off found to be it was a scam and directed the elderly lady to seek police officials.
Continue readingTruckDues.com e-filing is a lifeline for taxpayers facing challenges with paper tax return system

Hey there truckers! Hope you’re all covered up with your taxes. There’s always a deadline coming up every month and as you know it’s time to report your vehicles bought in the month of December 2019 before January 31, 2020. Though most of you prefer to file your tax returns electronically we do get contacted for manual filing process. This blog is for those who choose to go the traditional way of filing your tax returns manually.
Continue readingImportant Update for CPA and return preparers – PTIN applications and renewals for 2020 are now being processed!

Greetings dear truckers! It’s once again time for an update regarding your taxes and renewals. It’s a busy start of the year after the IRS was on a long shut down until it resumed services. It’s time to remind you of some deadlines and renewals up ahead. January 31st, 2020 will be a deadline for paying your Form 2290 taxes for trucks purchased in the month of December 2019. Also, its time to renew your PTIN’s our dear tax preparers.
Continue readingDid you know the IRS Annual Shutdown will cease only after New Year?

Hey there truckers! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and awaiting a prosperous New Year! Yes we know it’s the holiday season and you would wonder why we still keep posting about your form 2290’s well we do need to update you so that you can have a stress free holiday weekend, don’t we all want the same? And yes this is a post regarding your 2290’s but it’s to inform you about the IRS servers shutdown
Well the IRS usually shuts down their e-filing servers for a year end maintenance this starts by December the 26th post noon and commence services post New Year, any e-filings done during this time frame would be processed only post New Year. But you can still e-file your returns through us, your filings will be saved in our secure data base and will be sent for processing as soon as the IRS commences their services. Though the IRS haven’t confirmed the commencing day we expect it to be by January 2nd post noon.
Continue readingIt’s just a couple of weeks before your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 expires!

Hello there truckers, the Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 is now due by 12/31/2019 for vehicles first used since November 2019. This deadline is been drafted by the IRS federal law that indicates that Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.
You may even think if this deadline has anything to do about the regular Annual renewals which are basically due by June & payable until August. But, it does not. This deadline is only concerned about vehicles that are into service since November 2019.
The Heavy highway vehicle is basically paid on trucks with a minimum taxable gross weight of 55000 lbs and it’s paid for vehicles that are used over the public highways for commercial, agricultural & logging purposes. The desired mileage limit for exemption is drafted upon these vehicles based on the nature of its use.
For commercial based units & logging vehicles the desired mileage limit of exemption is said to be 5000 miles each and for Agricultural based vehicles, it is said to be 7500 miles. Only when to seem to exceed the respective mileage based on your vehicle’s desired purpose of use you need to make the tax payment to the IRS full in advance for the period it needs to be reported.
Failure to pay the tax dues on time results in incurrence of penalties & interests on top of the requisite tax due owed anywhere ranging from 2.5% to 4.5% of the total tax due amount to be paid granting no further extensions whatsoever. E-filing 2290 has been made easy with www.truckdues.com where quality service is been offered at a much affordable price as e-filing begins here as low as $7.99 our help-desk is just at a phone call away.
How to Claim Refund on Form 2290 Tax Dues Paid Upfront!

Paid the taxes in full for the previous tax year but you vehicle ran less than 5000 miles? You will be eligible to claim a full refund or transfer the credits to the current tax year (If you plan to operate more than 5000 miles)
A claim for refund can be for the following scenarios,
- Over paid tax due by mistake.
- Taxable vehicle Sold/ Transferred / Destroyed or Stolen.
- The vehicle was used within the mileage use limit (5,000 miles or less; 7,500 or less for agricultural vehicles).
In this article we will see especially about Low mileage vehicle credits refund and transfer
Vehicles used within the taxable mileage: The taxable mileage limit for a heavy vehicle is 5,000 miles (7,500 for agricultural). As said before the taxes are paid for the whole year and if your vehicle has run under 5,000 miles (7,500 for agricultural vehicles) you are eligible for low mileage credits. This can be applied only when the entire tax period (July 1 – June 30) is completed. The Vehicle mileage credits is limited only to miles operated on the vehicle regardless to the number of owners.
To get a refund based on low mileage you need to start a new return and select form “8849 schedule-6”. This is a special form dedicated for refund purposes. Then over the next page you need to select Low mileage vehicle credits to declare your vehicle exempt from tax. Over the next page just select “add vehicles” to enter the VIN number, first used month and reason for refund, also you need to attach the copy of the schedule-1 copy for reference. That is all within just 3 steps you can claim a refund on the taxes paid.
To transfer the credits to the current year filing (Only if the truck is assumed to run over 5000 miles) start a new return and select “form 2290”, select the first used month and tax year and over the next page you have to select two boxes which says “taxable vehicle & Low mileage vehicle credits”. The next page is where you can see two rows , the first one would be for entering the truck details on which the taxes needs to be transferred and the second one is to declare the previous year filing under low mileage credits. Then the rest is the same just proceed further with payment.
By following these steps you can either claim a refund or transfer the credits to the current tax year