Hello, truckers! This is a gentle reminder to inform you that the pro-rated form 2290 tax for the heavy vehicles first used on April 2022 is due on May 31, 2022. So, all truckers and truck taxpayers with the trucks first used in April should file their form 2290 HVUT to the IRS and get the official schedule 1 copy within the last date. Or else, the IRS will charge penalties or late fees based on the tax amount, and it will become impossible to operate your heavy vehicle on the public highways without a valid schedule 1 copy.
Tag Archives: irs 2290 payment
Things to know while making the IRS tax payment for your Form 2290!

Hello there truckers, over this article we are going to discuss about the types of IRS tax payment options available while e-filing your HVUT Form 2290. On a daily basis we receive calls from our clients receiving a failure to pay penalty from the IRS due to the misconception occurred while selecting the right IRS payment option.
While e-filing the HVUT Form 2290, basically there 4 different payment options involved as follows:
- Electronic Funds withdrawal
- Electronic Federal tax payment System
- Credit/Debit Card
- Check/Money Order.
Now, amongst the 4 options listed above, the only option that lets the IRS to automatically process your payment from your bank account would be the Electronic Funds withdrawal commonly abbreviated to be EFW.
The other payment options such as the EFTPS/ Credit/Debit options require your action to log on to the respective website to initiate or schedule a payment to the Department of treasury. Such as the tax payer is required to log on to www.eftps.gov upon choosing EFTPS as the payment option, whereas the tax payer needs to log on to https://www.irs.gov/payments/pay-taxes-by-credit-or-debit-card to be able to schedule payments to the Internal Revenue Service
Most tax payers presume by mistake that all the above options such as Electronic Funds withdrawal, Electronic Federal tax payment System, Credit/Debit Card are automated process hence it results in non-tax payment of taxes and receiving notices.
Hence, in order to get a clear idea of the working terminology of the payment options, you may feel free to reach us back for further assistance during your e-filing process over the following mediums:
Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]
E-mail: support@truckdues.com
Live chat with our tax representatives.
Have a Good One! See you over the next article.
Form 2290 Payment options
Using a secure system is important for a variety of reasons. It will help protect not only your personal information, but your financial information as well. There are many people who successfully steal money online everyday with very little effort. When you e-file the form you should make sure you are using a secure connection and have an anti-virus system on as well. Be sure there are no other websites open when you file this document. Malware can get into your computer quickly through many different websites. It is safer to just focus on the task at hand rather than multi-task. Making sure all information is correct on the form is paramount because if you are wrong or do not pay the proper amount you can face stiff penalties. Continue reading