Greetings! You have landed at the right place in case you have been wondering why everyone’s talking laurels about e-filing over paper for long now. Obviously, you go green immediately, without wasting paper products of our beloved little left trees. The ability to file your tax returns round the clock throughout the week right at your desk at home makes life very comfortable and easy. The speed of the entire tax return process dramatically increases with e-filing over paper due to advanced INTERNET capabilities thus saving your hard earned money and energy worked out on postage/fax/courier/delivery charges, which of course can be used over a million other valuables. Continue reading
Tag Archives: irs form 2290 mailing address
Reasons to E-file Your HVUT Return with
Are you still in the Stone Age by paper filing your Excise Tax returns? Guess what, more than 70 percent of the taxpayers file their taxes electronically. The IRS has processed over a billion HVUT returns safely and securely since the past decade, the Official beginning of E-filing ERA. Very few still stick with paper filing Continue reading
HVUT Form 2290 is due by Oct 31st for vehicles first used in Sep 2017.
Hey there truckers, this article is to indicate that we got a near term tax deadline by Oct 31, only for the Heavy Vehicles which are operational on the road since Sep 2017. Despite that fact that how many days the truck was operational throughout the month, the HVUT would be due by the last day of the following month. Since, Form 2290 is due on any vehicle by the last day of the month following the month of its first use. Continue reading
It’s now the Last week to E-file your Form 2290. Don’t be late!
Hello Truckers, we’re back with yet another article to remind you about the near term HVUT deadline that waits by the end of this month Sep 30 for vehicles that are used on the road since Aug 2017. Form 2290 is generally due by June and its payable until the end of August. However, this law is only applicable for general annual renewals. Else, Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following its month of its first use. On that basis Sep 30, would be the deadline to E-File Form 2290 for the vehicles which has been operated over public highway since Aug 2017. Continue reading