The Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 has to be reported and paid to the IRS on heavy highway vehicles that is used on public highways. This is a yearly taxes and has to be paid in full for the tax year between July and August for the vehicles first used in July. The tax year for 2290 started this July 2020 through June 2021, the 2290 taxes are estimated using the vehicle taxable Gross Weight, Mileage Use and the First Used Month.
Pro Rated or Partial Period 2290 Taxes has to be reported and paid for the vehicles that is put to use after July 2021. If you have used your vehicle for the first time in April 2021 then you have until May 31 to report and pay the Partial Period or Pro Rated 2290 Taxes with the IRS. TruckDues brings you the fastest way of reporting 2290 taxes, 100% accurate math and 100% Satisfaction.

Electronic filing is three times faster here at TruckDues. Once a 2290 tax return is submitted you have an update in 10 to 15 minutes.
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