Hello there truckers, this article is to remind you all that your Pro-rated HVUT Form 2290 is due by September 30, 2019 for the period beginning August 2019 through June 2020. As you are pretty aware of the fact Form 2290 is generally due by June and its payable until the end of August. Else, federal law states that Form 2290 must be filed on a vehicle by the last day of the month following the month of its first use.
Hence, Form 2290 is now due tomorrow ONLY for the vehicles which were purchased/re-purchased and been used over the road since August 2019 and yet this is the shortest month of the year, evidently it’s hard for us to recollect the pace with which the days during this month literally ran off by far and we face just one more day to E-File and pay the pro-rated HVUT form 2290.
Most HVUT tax payers refuse to report their trucks over a Form 2290 since they primarily use their trucks for agricultural/farm based purposes and they rightly presume that their vehicles are basically exempt from HVUT hence needs not to be reported on a Form 2290. In contrary, the IRS doesn’t think the same way. Any vehicle that possess a minimum combined gross weight of 55000 lbs and if it’s been used between destinations using a public highway is required to be reported on a Form 2290.
Having said that however, tax payments are not collected on farm based units however they need to be reported over a Form 2290 to legally claim its exemption from HVUT and the same is necessarily required during vehicle registration with the state department of Motor Vehicle and its applicable during tags, plates, licenses purchases etc.
Reach us back for any further assistance over the following mediums:
Phone: (347) 515-2290 [Monday through Friday, 9 A.M to 5 P.M, Central Standard Time]
E-mail: support@truckdues.com
Live chat with our tax representatives.
Have a Good One! See you over the next article.